All posts by tessastrachan20

100 word challenge

I stuff the papers and clothes into my duffel bag ,” Hurry up Johanna they be at our door stop soon.” After packing enough clothed for a month and stuffing all the letters from Dr.Drake in to we heard a knock at the door.” Open it Jo say what do you want and that stuff I’ll grab our money and passports and as soon as their gone we’ll go OK.” “fine.” “OPEN UP!!!!!”called someone.While Jo went to talk to the police and  accuse the neighbours I went up stairs grabbed our money tickets and passports and we  disappeared into the night…

Dairy entry

Today I did my school work till 1 in the afternoon and rode the motorbike did cartwheels and  just relaxed. Can’t wait for this lock down to be over so I can have fun with my friends.


book report

My book that I am reading is ‘The Magic Folk Collection” by Enid Blyton.  I love it because of all of the magic and mystery in it.  It is an amazing book to read and it gives children wonderful ideas of the magical world of fairies, pixies, elves and brownies.  I recommend it to anyone who likes magic and mystery.

My Avatar

I’ve chosen this avatar because it looks me with blonde hair and blue eyes, (it’s only missing a 

darker shade of hair and tanner skin ) but other than that it really represents me with the right shy look and sweet smile.The only thing I wanted to change with my last two images was the fact that they didn’t really show who I was . I had picked these before because I love Comedy that Tom and Jerry showed and I love swimming . But my third choice is my final and favorite ! 🙂

1st      choice                                                        2nd choice

                          3rd and final choice




The time I had to use perseverance was when I started riding my grandfather’s new pony Izzy ,a wee chestnut mare.She was a little sacred of us,so Al and I had to be careful when we went near her .Evidently she started to trust me and allowing me to sit on her back before running of to the other horses.

Soon Al saddled her up and I hopped on her back it took a minute for her to get used to my weight on her back and then she started to walk but she won’t  listen to my commands so I had to keep trying by leading her through the

My Favourite Book :)

Cat Royal stories are the best in my opinion.They are stories about a young orphan girl who lived in London,Drury Lane in the 1800s. Written by Julia Golding it tells you countless adventures of Cat and and friends;Frank the son of the Duke of Avon,Lizzie the daughter of the Duke of Avon,Pedro a escaped African slave ,Syd the son of a butcher and his gang the butchers boys and Cats favourite enemy Billy Shepard or Billy Boil.Come on a new and thrilling adventures with Cat and her friends around the theatre.Get the hole series and see if Cat will ever find her real family ? Read and find out.


100 word challenge

Giraffe pink sang painful dusty

Once upon a time their lived a Giraffe who lived beside a baboon with a pink bum .Each night the pink bummed baboon sang to the stars and moon, it was a painful sound but the Giaffe was very polite and never said a word about the baboon ‘s painful singing.Soon the baboon went to sleep and the Giraffe tried to as well  ,but seeing that the Giraffe was a was a  huge aminal and his pen was full with dusty old furniture  the Giraffe slept outside as he always did and fell asleep quickly.

Where I’m From

                    Where I’m From

                                  (   inspired by George Ella Lyon   )


   I am from the flowing icy creeks that race the wind

   I am from lush,green paddocks 

   I am from the endless calls of calves in spring


  I am from family fun at the lakes 

  From BBQs

  I am from “ Come and help “ to “Tess the troublemaker “

  From shrieks of laughter at the pontoon


   I am from songs and family reunions

   From sunny days and hot,long nights

   I am from running in tall,dry reeds

  From long,wet ‘Bunch O Ballon’ fights


I am from sprinklers and trampolines

From pavlova and cheesecake at christmas 

I am from fun and happiness

From movies and dreams 


I am from new zealand and i am proud.

By tessa strachan